Driving Meaningful Change With Digital Tools

Engaging and Empowering Supporters to Build Power and Make Big Things Happen

About Raz

Raz Pollex has been working for progressive change for almost two decades, from being part of Obama for America's field organizing team in 2007, to to shutting down the Pacific Northwest's last coal-burning power plant, to directing Greenpeace USA's digital team. As an independent strategist, they've worked with a wide range of progressive clients using digital tools to engage supporters and drive meaningful change. They are passionate about using digital tools to meaningfully engage with supporters, elevate their voices, and build powerful movements for change. Raz lives in Seattle, where they spend a lot of time at the dog park and building LGBTQ community.

Work with Raz


Impactful Content

Translate your messaging & project goals into engaging content that works to tell stories and move people across channels.

Tell Powerful Stories

Cultivate storytellers who can cut through misinformation and inspire action.

Raise money

Integrate traditional & digital methods to raise more money and build your culture of philanthropy.

Action Beyond Clicks

Authentically engage your supporters with meaningful ways to make a difference.

Build Your Movement

Grow your list authentically, with people who support your mission.


Let’s build the best strategy to authentically engage your supporters AND find new ones. Ready to get started? Fill out the contact form or just drop me a line at razpollex@gmail.com. I can’t wait to see how we can make the world a better place together.